Academic Support Services

Our Academic Support Services offer a wide range of tools and activities aimed at enhancing your academic journey and facilitating personal growth. 

Academic Support Workshops

Academic Support Workshops encompass a wide array of subjects, such as study techniques, time management, stress management, online learning skills, well-being, personal development, teamwork and many more. The workshops are designed to be interesting and participatory, fostering group collaboration and facilitating connections between participants and facilitators. Our Academic Support workshops are designed to assist learners in improving their study strategies, time management skills, and overall well-being, ultimately leading to greater achievement. Discover a wide range of workshops including many topics, actively participate in interactive learning opportunities, and go on a transformative path towards personal growth and scholarly achievement.

You can find the materials used in our workshops below. Please remember that these are designed to be used interactively with the workshop attendees in class. 

How to Study English Workshop Materials can be reached here.

Time-Management Workshop Materials can be reached here.

How to Develop Listening Skills Workshop Materials can be reached here.

How to Manage Speaking Anxiety Workshop Materials can be reached here.

Generative AI in Education Workshop Materials can be reached here.

Stress-Management Workshop Materials can be reached here.

AI Tools for Learning English Workshop Materials can be reached here

How to Learn Academic Vocabulary Workshop Materials can be reached here.

Following the news in English Workshop Materials can be reached here.

Peer-Support Programs

Connect with experienced previous preparatory school students through our Peer Support Programs. Receive practical insights and guidance on study techniques, exam readiness, language proficiency, and the balancing act of academic commitments and personal life. Benefit from the experience of those who have successfully transitioned to university life, and make your own academic journey smoother and more informed.