About Us

Welcome to the Writing and Academic Support Center (WASC) at Bogazici University

Bogazici University is dedicated to fostering the academic growth and maximizing the potential of our students. The Writing and Academic Support Centre aims to provide assistance and guidance to students throughout their educational endeavors. This includes support for preparatory school students who are in the process of acquiring English language skills, undergraduates who wish to improve their writing abilities, and graduate students engaged in advanced research undertakings.


To empower all members of our university community, including preparatory students, undergraduates, and graduate students, to excel in their academic endeavors through the development of writing skills and comprehensive academic support services. To foster a culture of learning, critical thinking, and the mastery of effective writing within our diverse academic community.


To be recognized as a premier resource for effective writing and holistic academic support, serving the needs of preparatory students, undergraduates, and graduate students throughout Boğaziçi University. To create an inclusive and dynamic learning environment that equips individuals with the skills and confidence to excel in their studies, with a particular emphasis on the art of scholarly writing. Our center will be a beacon of innovation and collaboration through comprehensive academic guidance.

Guiding Principles

1. Personalized Guidance: Students receive support that is tailored to their specific requirements and skill levels. Our customized materials improve the academic persistence, retention, and success of students.

2. Diversity and Inclusivity. to be a welcoming environment for all students, including English language learners and those with writing anxiety.

3. Mindfulness: We strive to be focused and nonjudgmental in our work by cultivating awareness of mental activity, managing stress, and reducing distraction.

4. Continuous Improvement: WASC's activities are continually evaluated and enhanced to meet the changing requirements of students.

5. Critical Thinking: We inspire and practice careful analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and expression of ideas.

6. Outreach and Accessibility: Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a user-friendly, Al-powered online portal for students to submit their writing for feedback and revision, which facilitates support for both on-campus and remote students.

7. Collaboration of Faculty: Collaboration with instructors leads to the identification of specific requirements for high-quality Writing Centre programs and services, which results in the creation of individualized resources and workshops.

8. Extensive Peer Tutor Support: All peer tutors working in the center go through a rigorous training program to ensure consistency and excellence in support we provide.

WASC Coordinator

WASC Coordinator

Fetiye Erbil


0212 359 79 44

Prior to her current role, Fetiye Erbil has been working as an instructor at Boğaziçi University School of Foreign Languages, Preparatory Unit. She has taken roles in Testing Office, Teacher Professional Development and Student Support services at SFL. She is also working as a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Education at Bogazici University, giving courses on Academic Writing, Critical Reading, and Thinking.

Fetiye Erbil is a PhD candidate in the Learning Sciences Program of Bogazici University. She is currently working on her doctoral thesis which focuses on designing a teacher learning community to support early childhood teachers’ social and emotional learning skills. Her research interests include social-emotional learning, teacher professional development, and educational policy.


Dr. Merve S. Akbaş Korkmaz (merve.akbas@bogazici.edu.tr)

Roger E. Hewitt (roger.hewitt@bogazici.edu.tr)

WASC Secretary

Dilek Yıldırım

Office: Anadolu Hisarı Yadyok 1 - 307

E-mail: dilek.yildirim1@bogazici.edu.tr

Phone: 0212 359 44 77

WASC Volunteer Teachers



Elif Yılmaz

FLED 1st Year Student

I am a very motivated student in teaching. Currently, I give a lot of private lessons at different levels. Besides teaching, I participate in the Bogazici University Music Club as a PR member and photographer. I am interested in music and photography. I have experience in concert and nature photography. Also, I love connecting with people by participating in different organizations, and programs. At the same time. I am taking French courses at our university. By mixing all the different elements of my life, I aim to have a comprehensive perspective on life and use it in my education style to get a successful outcome. 


Cem Gülmez

FLED 4th Year Student

Cem Gülmez is a senior student at the Department of Foreign Language Education at Boğaziçi University. He possesses extensive experience in writing, acquired through his time at a private company, within academic settings, and through personal growth initiatives. In addition to writing, he has experience in working with adult learners of English. He is interested in languages, linguistics, and writing, as well as binge watching the same sitcoms over and over again. 



FLED 1st year student

Merve Çimen is a freshman at the Department of Foreign Language Education at Bogazici University. She has been working with preparatory students in Bogazici, conducting an essay writing workshop, and she has a special interest in English writing and grammar. She is now enrolled in a Russian course with the goal of becoming proficient so that she can offer lectures on the language in the future. She is also eager to pick up new  languages. Although teaching is her major, she is hoping to further her career in other domains as well. She likes exploring new places and would like to expand her vision via doing so. She also enjoys watching sitcoms and listening to music and considers them to be incredibly beneficial when learning a language.


Aynimah Başlevent

FLED 1st year student

Aynimah Başlevent is a freshman at the Department of Foreign Language Education at Bogazici University. She has experience in working with different age groups, and mostly worked with adults. She is interested in philosophy and she has been trying to enhance her knowledge in philosophy by reading and studying different schools. She enjoys reading books and tries to engage her students with various techniques such as spreading out excerpts from literary works in order to improve their students' language and literacy skills. Also she is into taking photographs in nature and she tries to write a paragraph for each picture she takes. She is taking German and Italian courses and planning to spend two semesters abroad with the Erasmus program. 




Helin Azra Yakut

FLED 3rd Year Student

Helin Azra Yakut is a junior at the Department of Foreign Language Education at Boğaziçi University. She has been working with preparatory students, especially in the writing area. She likes every form of art. She took several Fine Arts courses, especially ones about music. She loves listening to music and making music. She is a bass guitar player and she used to play in bands. She is also an intermediate-level Spanish speaker and wants to be more proficient in the language to teach Spanish or teach to Spanish-speaking people. She is planning to be a foreign language teacher in a Mediterranean country.


Nil Pelin Acer

FLED 1st Year Student

Nil is a freshman at the Department of Foreign Language Education at Bogazici University. She has experience in working with preparatory school students, helping them develop their reading comprehension skills. She’s interested in sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics. Her hobbies include watching anime, writing stories (definitely not fanfiction), playing video games and journaling. She is currently taking Chinese courses and is interested in learning Korean, Japanese and Italian. 


Beyza Can

FLED 1st Year Student

Beyza Can is a freshman student at the Department of Foreign Language Education at Boğaziçi University. She has been working with preparatory students of Boğaziçi University, through speaking classes and writing workshops. She studies Dutch and is hoping to be fluent in order to teach in different languages as well. She has participated in 4 Erasmus+ projects and combines her experiences from those with her teaching.


Ceren Cetemen 

FLED 1st Year Student

Ceren is a freshman at the Department of Foreign Language Education at Bogazici University. She has experience in working with preparatory school students, supporting their academic writing skills through writing workshops. She is interested in literature and music. Her hobbies include hiking, watching video essays, playing video games and reading books that cause existential crises. She has pre-intermediate level Spanish and is currently taking Chinese courses. Her goal for the future is to improve her language skills and focus more on making music.  


Ali Kemal Okuyucu

FLED 1st Year Student

Ali Kemal is a freshman at the Department of Foreign Language Education at Boğaziçi University. He has obtained significant experience by working with preparatory students in providing face-to-face feedback to their essays as well as suggestions and activities so as to improve their writing, grammar and vocabulary when needed. He hopes to become more expertised through the education he will receive over the undergraduate years in the field of teaching. His hobbies encompass playing mobile games, going to the gym and cooking passionately. He is currently taking French courses and is trying to develop his A1 Spanish and aims to spare one semester abroad in either of these countries.


Ceren Tektaş 

FLED 1st Year Student 

Ceren is a freshman at Boğaziçi University's Department of Foreign Language Education. She possesses advanced proficiency in both written and spoken English and Spanish, in addition to her native Turkish. Ceren has extensive experience teaching English, Spanish, and Turkish as foreign languages, primarily with adult learners but also with children of various age groups. Her hobbies include crocheting, knitting, embroidery, hand sewing, reading, and writing. Currently, she volunteers with WASC to provide in-person essay feedback, focusing on improving students' word choices, grammar, creativity, and authenticity. In the future, Ceren aims to become an instructor at Boğaziçi University's English Preparatory Division or offer translation services.