About One-on-One Sessions!

Friday, October 20, 2023 - 15:30

We are starting our one-on-one sessions starting from Monday, 2023 (Oct 23, 2023). Please check the website > Monthly Schedule to see the available sessions.

Always check the level the services are open to. Please do not register for a service that is not open for your level. Use Book Now button to make your reservation. 

The one-one-one sesions are offered in 15 minutes. Make sure that you come 5 minutes early and wait outside the room. Work on what you want to ask in the session before you come. 

You can get feedback on your paragraph, on a grammar topic, a vocabulary or grammar exercise or some sentences you have tried writing. 

If it is for writing, send your document to wasc@boun.edu.tr 24 hours earlier. Your teacher may want to look at it. Write down your name and reservation info in the email. 

Please bring your own written material and not your homework to the feedback session. 

You can only make 1 reservation for feedback sessions on the same day. If you make 2 on the same day, WASC will cancel your reservation. We want to help as many students as possible!

Enjoy the sessions!